Following Jesus (Luke 9-12)

Everyone is a follower. Whether you follow a father, a politician, a CEO, an idea, or your own heart, everyone follows someone or something as their source of security, hope, and way of life. In a world where people follow sinful men or deceptive philosophies and are led astray, the greatest question is, what does it mean to follow the way, the truth, and the life? What does it mean to follow Jesus Christ, the light of the world and the good shepherd? Join us at 9:30 am as we discover, through Luke’s gospel and the help of Gordon Cheng, what it looks like to be followers of Jesus in a world where the blind lead the blind. We will walk with Jesus on his road to Jerusalem in Luke 9-12 and learn what following him really means. Join us and be blessed!

January 12 – The Turning Point

January 19 – Harvest Time

January 26 – OFF (Fellowship Feast)

February 2 – Love Your Neighbor

February 9 – Listening

February 16 – Prayer

February 23 – OFF (Fellowship Feast)

March 2 – Beware Hypocrisy

March 9 – Money

Please note: children’s ministry runs at the same time, and children, usually 13 and older, are welcome to join the young and old adults for Following Jesus. We will defer to your judgment on these parents, and we trust you on this. Some older children may want to help with children’s ministry, and if you desire this, please speak to Pam M. about this. Thank you! Soli Deo Gloria.